
HW(L8-3) 4/9-4/13/2018

HW(L8-3) 4/9-4/13/2018

Objective :

·     Interpret discounts and sale prices for clothes
·    Compare prices and make a decision about buying clothed
·    Provide reasons to support the decision


1. 这个星期Macy大减价,裙子买一送一.
2. 买第一双男袜付(Fù Pay)原价, 买第二双打八折
3. 快來买! 买满一百元,再减十五元.
4. 穿旧衣服舒服一点还是新衣服舒服一点?
5. 我喜欢那条紫色绿点的围巾和那双白色手套.
6. 夏季(Jì season)女鞋,买一百元,再送五元, 多买多送.
7. 那一件灰色衬衫很有中国特色.
8. 这双彩色的运动鞋不但时髦而且便宜.
9. 我春夏秋冬天天都穿短裤.
10. 你比較喜欢穿名牌衣服吗?

问问题和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.

1. … on sale now, …buy one get one free? No,…
2. ...怎么卖? 买第一双…, 买第二.....
3. .. 穿…还是…?我喜欢…
3. 虽然...很有…,可是…?不是,…
4. …不但…而且…?真的?我也想…
5. …比較喜欢…?
6.  Macy 这星期是不是...? 是, 买…
情境 scenario 1:

 Read the following passage and answer the questions in  English:

1. 什么东西正在打折? tell the offer in details.
2. What should people do to receive the offer?
3.  When is the sale?

情境 scenario 2:
 Write an email to your friend about the advertisement from scenario 1. Be sure to include that:
1.          Tell him/her that新中巿场大減价.
2.          Explain to him/her how big the discount is.
3.          Ask if he/she will go with you to see it, though you do not have to buy it.

Some additional words:
不一定得 do not have to
去看看 go and have a look

GaoJosei@ Gotoya.com

 HW due by 4/9

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz for 4/10
1. 这个星期Macy大减价,裙子买一送一.
2. 买第一双男袜付(Fù Pay)原价, 买第二双打八折
3. 快來买! 买满一百元,再减十五元.
4. 穿旧衣服舒服一点还是新衣服舒服一点?
5. 我喜欢那条紫色绿点的围巾和那双白色手套.
6. 夏季(Jì season)女鞋,买一百元,再送五元, 多买多送.

HW due by 4/10

Prepare quiz for 4/11
7. 那一件橘色衬衫很有中国特色.
8. 这双彩色的运动鞋不但时髦而且便宜.
9. 我春夏秋冬天天都穿短裤.
10. 你比較喜欢穿名牌衣服吗?

HW due by 4/11
完成情境Scenario 1 

HW due by 4/12
完成情境Scenario 2

 Prepare for the test and the oral test on 4/13

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