
HW(L6-3) 2/1-2/9/2018

HW(L6-3) 2/8-2/15/2018

Objective :

·    Identify three Major kinds of Chinese painting
·      Express and respond to the desire to learn something Ask
1. 奶奶画花鸟画画得最好
2. 写毛笔字很不容易,你得天天练.
3. 你可以不可以敎我画国画?
4. 没问题, 我可以教你.
5. 你觉得这張国画怎么样?
5. 你说得对,我同意.
6. 这是一个有名的人用过的砚台.
7. 红橙黃绿蓝靛紫彩虹的颜色
10. 哥哥写毛笔字写得真好.

问问题和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.

1. ...想不想学…?...., 可是....
2. ...会不会...?I can't, but I think 王美can
3. …能不能+ verb+我…?No problem, I can teach you.
4. ...比...难吗?是, 因为你得...
6, ... 和...比, 哪张好?....好, 因为....

情境 scenario :

1.          Find a Chinese painting and write a paragraph( 100 words) to introduce this painting to your friends. Please include the name of the author.  Explain the type of this painting; what do you see from this painting; express your opinion of this painting and tell why you think that way.  Compare this painting with other paintings.  You might need to use the following words: 有名的…/画上有…/像…一样/特别/

2. Peter is an American exchange Student. He sees Xiao Wang practicing Chinese Calligraphy. He is very much interested in Calligraphy, so he asks a lot of questions. Hearing that Chinese school students learn Calligraphy, Peter wants to learn, too.
You will need to use some of the following words to create this dialogue: at least 12 sentences. 你得天天练/喜欢不喜欢/…比…难…吗/容易/我觉得/..怎么样?/你会不会用../可以不可以教我…/难/容易/…有没有…/文房四宝/ 可是我不会…/你想不想学…

 HW due by 2/8

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 2/9
1. 书法家天天练书法
2. 写毛笔字很难,写得好看更难.
3. 你有几块墨?几枝笔?
4. 你的砚台是圆的还是方的?
5. 法国人喜欢长面包还是短面包?
6. 你有一辆高的汽车还是矮的汽车?

HW due by 2/9

Prepare quiz on 2/12
7. 琴要弹得好, 你得练几年!
9. 有借有还,再借不难
10. 请带彩色笔来学校.
11. 彩虹是什么颜色的?

HW due by 2/12
完成情境Scenario 1 

HW due by 2/13
完成情境Scenario 2
 Prepare for the oral test on 2/14
Prepare the Test on 2/15

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