
HW(L6-1) 1/17-1/26/2018

HW(L6-1) 1/17-1/26/2018

Objective :

·    Identify different kinds of pens
·    Identify the color of pens
·    Borrow pens from a classmate

1. 文房四宝是笔, 墨, 纸和砚台吗?
2. 我可以不可以借你的彩色笔?
3. 他们一共有多少毛笔?
4. 这张山水画比那张好看吗?
5. 你什么时候还我铅笔?
9. 你家有几辆车?
10. 当然可以!
11. 长, 短,方,圆

问问题和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
1). Yes, no problem.
2). Of course, you can.
3). Sorry, I am using it.
2.… 还…? I will return it back to you this afternoon, OK?
3.   比… 好用吗?
4. …谁的…?
5,  …想要...?
6, 彩虹Cǎihóng rainbow有什么color? 

情境 scenario :
情境 scenario 1
Translate and fill in the following sentences.  Each color can only be used once
1.          The school bus is …color.
2.          An orange is …color.
3.          An apple is … color.
4.          The grape is …color.
5.          The sky is …color.
6.          The snow is …color.
7.          Coffee is…color.
8.          Strawberry is …color.
9.          The rainbow is …color.

 情境 scenario 2
小明is asking 李芳(LiFang) if he can borrow some colored pencils. Help him and LiFang to create the dialogue.

小明: 我可不可以 borrow your pen?
李芳: Of course you can! 你想要借…? (What pen are you going to borrow?)
小明: I want to borrow colored pencils.
李芳: 你要借…? (What color are you going to borrow?)
小明: I want to borrow two red pens and one blue pen.  I will return to you this afternoon, OK?
李芳: No problem!
小明: Thank you, thank you!
李芳: You are welcome!

HW due by 1/22

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus
Prepare quiz on 1/23
1. 文房四宝是笔, 墨, 纸和砚台吗?
2. 我可以不可以借你的彩色笔?
3. 他们一共有多少毛笔?
4. 这张山水画比那张好看吗?
5. 你什么时候还我铅笔?

HW due by 1/23

Prepare quiz on 1/24
9. 你家有几辆车?
10. 当然可以!
11. 长, 短,方,圆

HW due by 1/24
完成情境Scenario 1 

HW due by 1/25
完成情境題Scenario 2

Prepare the test on 1/26

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