
HW(L5-3) 1/22-1/25/2019

HW(L5-3) 1/22-1/25/2019

Objective :

  • Present a plan for weekend activities

  • ·       Describe how someone's performance in an activity

一. 生字 Vocabulary
     L5-3Audio 1  他打橄榄球,打得比我更好
2.  这个周末一起踢足球吧!
3. 我们都是游泳队的队员
4.  他是打排球的高手
6. 篮球队一共要多少人参加?
7. 他们一定会参加运动会吗?
8.  要是下雨,我们就一起看电影.
9. 他是奥运会冠军 。
10. 十八比十八, 平分了!
11. 他跑步,飞一样快!

二.问问题(問問題)和回答 Translate the questions and respond to the questions.

1.  What will you do on Sunday?  Please answer with要是...., ....就.....
2.  Is better to go this weekend or next weekend? 1) We can go either this weekend or next weekend.
2).  I am sorry, I am busy on both weekends.
3. How well do you think he plays basketball?
1). He plays basketball better than I do.
2). He plays basketball not as well as I do.
3). He plays basketball as well as I do.

4. What do you think he would like to watch a movie with us this weekend? I don't think so. The Patriot is playing this weekend.
5. Which team you think will win, and which team will lose? 
Please provide a reason. 

三. 情境 Scenario:
情境 Scenario 1 
This scenario will be your oral test material. 
 You will do a whole school announcement about your school basketball sports competition. Please include the following information in your announcement. Your paragraph should have at least 75 words. Count your words and record the number at the end of the paragraph.
1.          When (date and time) will the competition be?
2.          Where will the competition be held? ( at your school or another school)
3.          What are the two competing teams please make a comparison and give reasons.(...和... 比赛, ....比...更...)
4.    Use many adjectives to describe the competition. ( 好看, 緊張, 很棒, 很糟糕,快,慢...)

5. To encouraging people for coming and cheering for your school team. (欢迎, 加油,一定会赢...)

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