
HW(L4-1) 11/30-12/7/2018

HW(L4-1) 11/30-12/7/2018

Weather Condition
·      Identify different weather condition
·        Obtain main ideas from weather forecasts

 生 Vocabulary
  L4-1 Audio

  1. 台湾和北京的天气差不多
  2. 晴天出太阳非常暖和
  3. 阴天多云会下雨
  4. 后天会刮大风而且还会打雷
  5. 下雪冷得不得了
  6. 最高溫度是一百度
  7. 我从来不怕热
  8. 前天的天气很糟糕
  9. 不要忘记带伞


   10. 今天的天气怎么样?
   11. 今天比昨天更凉快

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions. Please refer to your Key structures page 40 and 41.

1,  … 的天气更+ Adj?(Please respond to it.)
2, 的天气 差不多+ Adj吗?(Please respond to it.)
3,  你知道这里的天气怎么样?
1)         It rains here every day.
2)         It often rains here
3)         It sometimes rains here
4)         It seldom rains here
5)         It never rains here
4,  Was it hot yesterday?
1)         Yesterday was especially hot
2)         Yesterday was very, very hot. (Verb+得不得了)
3)         Yesterday was not hot at all.
4)         Yesterday was neither cold or hot
5)         Yesterday was hotter than today
6)         Yesterday was as hot as today
5, How is the weather tomorrow?  Tomorrow's weather is very good, it is sunny and in addition to( 而且) a very warm weather. 
 6, How is the weather the day after tomorrow?  The day after tomorrow is a cloudy day,  it is very windy and (而且还会) it will also rain.

情境scenario :
情境1. Translate Key Structures Page 40 (1-9)
情境2. Translate Key Structures Page 41 (10-15

   HW due by 12/3
完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus
Prepare quiz on 12/4
    1. 台湾和北京的天气差不多
       2. 晴天出太阳非常暖和
       3. 阴天多云会下雨
       4. 后天会刮大风而且还会打雷
       5. 下雪冷得不得了
       6. 最高溫度是一百度

HW due b12/4

Prepare quiz on 12/5
   7. 我从来不怕热
   8. 前天的天气很糟糕
   9. 不要忘记带伞
10. 今天的天气怎么样?
   11. 今天比昨天更凉快

HW due by 12/5
完成情境Scenario 1
HW due by 12/6
 完成情境Scenario 2
Prepare for the test on 12/7

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