
L2 Q &S

Interpersonal Communication

Interpretive Communication 

Key Structures

1。你爸爸在哪里上班?Where does your dad work?
我爸爸在纽约上班. My dad works in New York.
你爸爸在什么公司上班?What company does your dad work for?
我爸爸在 Xinzhong 公司上班。My dad works for the Xinzhong Company.
你住在哪里. Where do you live
你住在什么地方 where do you live
我住在新泽西周 I live in new jersey

How to say train in Chinese?
How to write train in Chinese?

你怎么去学校?How do you get to school?
我走路去学校?I walk to school.
我骑自行车去学校。I ride my bike to school.
我坐校车去学校。I ride the bus to school.
我坐我朋友的车去学校。I ride my friends’ car to school.
我开车去学校。I drive a car to school.
我妈妈开车送我去学校。My mom drives a car to drop me off at school.
我坐校车来学校。I come to school by school bus.
我坐校车去学校。I go to school by school bus.

6. 方便                  Convenient
住在这里很方便。 Living here is very convenient.
住在这里去纽约很方便。Living here makes it easy to go to New York.
住在这里坐火车去纽约很方便。Living here makes it easy to ride the train to New York.
住在这里一定很方便。Living here will definitely be convenient.
开车比坐火车方便。Driving is more convenient than riding the train.
我觉得住在这里不方便。I think living here is not convenient.

7. 得 。
你得天天写字。             Everyday you need to write.
我星期天得去练功夫。  On Sunday I need to learn gongfu.
你得小心。                    You need to be careful.

8. 像                            Be like                                                
她很像他的妈妈          She looks like her mother                   
她和她姐姐很像          She and her elder sister look alike  

9. 就像 … 一樣
他就像我哥哥一樣 He acts like my older brother
他説中文就像唱歌一樣 when he speaks Chinese, he sounds like he’s singing
他骑車就像飛一樣 When he rides his motorcycle he looks like he’s flying

11. ……..和.......一起

I have meals with him every day
We often do homework together

Teacher, can I or can’t I go to the bathroom.
Teacher, can I or can’t I drink water.

Quick Responses:


Page 18 Quick responses
Why don't you ride the school bus?
I walk to school every day.
Would you ride your bike?
Your house must be very close to your school.

More sentences for quick responses:
王 老师 是 我的 邻居。;  Teacher Wang is my neighbor.
我 明天 不 能 去 纽约。;I go to New York every day.

  • Express how one does something using "怎么“
  • Use directional aspects 去 and 来
  • Use the structure 是... 的 with color
  • State how two people do something together using 和 .... 一起
  • Describe how someone does something by using: ...(do something) 就像 ... 一样
  • Differentiate the usages for the "在" and "住在"
  • Compare the usages of: ...离..., ... 比 ..., ... 和 .... 一样
  • Names of modes of transportation
  • Verbs (骑,坐,开,送)
  • The Measure Word 辆
  • 就像 (to create metaphors)一样
  • Colors (黑色,黄色)

Find the Chinese for the English in the box below:


My dad works in Beijing.                         
How do you write “subway” in Chinese?              
I have to go.
My house is yellow                       
I go to school with my friends.
She looks like me
Living here is convenient.
I ride a bike to school.
Please come to my house.       
I live in France.

1. 你的爸爸在哪里上班?

2。 你的妈妈在哪里上班?

3。 你的妈妈在什么公司上班?

4。 你的爸爸在什么公司上班。

5。 你住在哪里?

6。 你住在什么地方?

7。 中文怎么说“train”?

8。 中文怎么说“school bus”?

9。 中文怎么说“car”?

10。 你每天怎么去学校?

11。 你最好的朋友怎么去学校?

12。 你的妈妈怎么去上班?

13。 你的爸爸怎么去上班?

14。 你怎么去你的最好的朋友的家?

15.  纽约的交通怎么様?

16. 为什么不校车?

17. 你会不会走路去学校?

1. An exchange student from China would like to visit Chinatown. Please complete a dialogue with the following information:

1, The reasons of going to Chinatown?
2. Information of the distance and the location.
3, Describe the traffic 交通(Jiāotōng) situation.
4, The suggestions of the possible transportation by using comparison model sentences.
5, Describe things to do in Chinatown and comment on how you feel about that.

Make a plan and offer a day to take the exchange student to go Chinatown together. 
Use the following example and elaborate it to become your own idea.

 Please read the following email and write a letter back.

According the following picture, write sentences to describe each picture. Be sure to use 因为and 所以in each sentence.

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