
9/24/2018 Oracle Bone Chinese Characters Presentation

Imagine you are a fortune teller in ancient time, please use the original Oracle- bone Chinese characters to create a map to find a treasure.  Presentation: Use the map you created to perform a 3 minutes oral presentation. 

Your project will be graded in 3 parts:

Poor drawing with vey little information (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing)
Poor craftsmanship
Details with clear information to find treasure (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing)

 Plenty Details with clear information (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing) to find treasure. Craftsmanship is excellent
Plenty and creative details with clear information Chinese Characters, drawing) to engage audiences to find treasure. Craftsmanship is excellent
Oral Speech
Poor speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) skills with very little details to find the treasure.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) with enough information to guide people to find the treasure but less than 2 minutes.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with enough information to guide people to find the treasure The time is between 2-3 minutes.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with great information to guide and engage people to find the treasure. The time is between 2-3 minutes.

Poor writing with incorrect grammar. It is less than 75 words.
Writing with little mistakes on grammar. It is more than 100 words.
Writing with clear information to guild people to find the treasures with one or two mistakes on grammar. It is more than 150 words.
Writing with clear information to guild and engage people to find the treasures with no mistakes on grammar. It is more than 180 words.

Student project examples:
你好! 这是我们地图。我们的地图是一个宝藏的地图。我们的地图有四个区。我们的地图有一个村,很多动物,山,和树林。宝藏在树林里边。树林很危险, 因为有很多狼, 还有一儵大河。河水很强大! 水里有很多鱼,也有乌龟。如果要找到宝藏, 你要在村里面开始。 村旁边有很多很高的山。这些山太高,所以必须要走在村旁边的田里面。走出田以后,你要很小心,因为野外的动物非常危险因为牠们会吃人。让后,你要划船。下了船以后,你要往南走,走到树林。你要躲开山,因为山里面住着一条坏龙。走到树林里面以后,如果往东走,你就能找到宝藏。
Hello! This is our map. Our map is a treasure map. It has four regions. Our map has a village, lots of animals, mountains, and a forest. The treasure is at the deepest part of the forest. The forest area is very dangerous because it has a lot of wolves, there is also a big river. In the river, there are many fish, as well as turtles. If you want to find the treasure, you must start at the village. Beside the village are mountains that are very tall. They are too tall to travel over, so you must walk through the fields. After you've left the fields, you must be very careful. In the wild, the animals are very dangerous, because they will eat people. After that, you must row the boat across the river. After getting off the boat, you must walk south, to the forest. You must avoid the big mountains, because an evil dragon lives in

Hello classmates, this is our map. Our map has four districts, each of us drew a district.
Jerry Huang drew the Earth district, Keyan drew the Fire District, Matthew Wang drew the Water District, and Lucas Brenner drew the sky district.

火区是我最喜欢的区因为有很多东西(dong xi)看。第一你会看见很大很红的太阳。第二,如果(ru guo)你很安静(an jing),你会看到很美的凤凰(feng huang)。凤凰在树林生活所以你要很小心。这是因为树林会有很多的树林火。可是我还是觉得值得(zhi de),因为凤凰很美。

The Fire District is my favorite, because there are a lot of things to see. First, you will see the very big red sun. Second, if you are very quiet, you will see a beautiful Phoenix. The Phoenix lives in the woods so you will have to be careful. This is because the woods will have lots of forest fires. But I still feel worth it, because of the beautiful Phoenix.


The second district is the earth. When you walk, you will see the mountains and the blue sky. You will also see a tree. You only see one tree because we only drew one when we drew the whole poster. You will also see the White Sheep eating the green grass.


The third district is the water area. If you want to swim in the water, you will see a lot of fish and lots of tortoises. However, if you do not want to go into the water, you can also relax under a tree.


The last district is heaven. Heaven has many beautiful clouds and has a very bright moon and birds. But you have to be careful because there is a big dragon that can eat you.

这是我们的迷宫(mi2 gong1)。我们的迷宫很难。你要通过(tong1 guo4)我们的迷宫,就要上大船找宝藏(zang4)。我们的迷宫里面有很多障碍(zhang4 ai4)。你可以跟凤战斗(zhan4 dou4),就可以拿到钥匙。可是要打凤,就要用水捅。打完凤就有钥匙。有了钥匙就可以打开宝藏了。可是你不能过火和山因为你在一个大船上。这个迷宫只有一个钥匙也只有一个水捅可是又很多山和火。如果你撞到山和火呢你就需要从頭开始。你也可以用水把火灭掉(mie4 diao4)。你只能往回走如果你走到路的尽头(jin4tou2)。如果你被凤大死的,你就需要从开始。

This is our maze. Our maze is very difficult. If you want to pass through our maze,  then you will have to find the treasure on the big ship. Our  maze has many obstacles. You can fight the phoenix, to get the key. But if you want to beat the phoenix, you need to use the water bucket. Then you will get the key. When you have the key, you can open the treasure. But, you cannot sail past fire or mountains because you are in big boat. Our maze has only one water bucket, and only one key, but there are lots of fires and mountains. If you crash into the fire or the mountain, you must start over again. You can also put out the fire with the water bucket. If you get to a dead end, you must go back. If you get defeated by the phoenix you must start over again.

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