
L1 Q&S

Interpersonal Communication

Interpretive Communication

L1 Q&S

 Sentence structures 句型

....离...... 很近吗?
.....离...... 很远吗? 

...想去+ ....(地方)+(做.....)

1。王老师在哪里?王老师在这里, 他在唱歌。Where is teacher Wang? Teacher Wang is here, he is singing.

2, 第二
什麼地方?Where located?
你的學校在什麼地方?Where is your school?
你的學校在北京什麼地方?Where in Beijing is your  school located?

离...... 很近
你家离学校近不近? Is your home close to the school?
我家离学校很近 My home is close to the school
他家离学校不近 His home is not close to the school
我家比他家近 My home is closer than his home

念。。。 年级。                  Study which grade.
在。。。上学                       Go to school
你在哪里念书?                   Where do you study?
你在哪里上学?                   Where do you study?
你在什么地方念书?            What place do you study?
你在哪个学校念书?            Which school do you study at?

5. 念。。。。年级。             
你念几年级?.                What grade are you in?
我念九年级。                  I am in ninth grade.
我在石桥高中念九年级。I am a ninth grader in the Stone Bridge High School.
我是一个九年级的学生。I am a ninth grader.

6。几十M.W 。。。/多少。。。
你有几个弟弟?/ Do you have a brother?

Our school has ⼁over 900 kids


9. 我希望我能。。。
I wish I could…I wish I could go to China next year

10. 。。。的。。。                    
好地方/大地方/小地方 good places/big place/small place
很好的地方/有名的地方   Really good place/famous place
很多地方.   a lot of places

11. Schooling in China
一年级 四年级
二年级 五年级
三年级 六年级

初中一年级 (初一)
初中二年级 (初二)
初中三年级 (初三)

高中一年级 (高一)
高中二年级 (高二)
高中三年级 (高三)

Page 5 Talking to the teacher:

老师,我有一个问题。Teacher, I have a question.
老师,我可以不可以问一个问题?Teacher, can I ask you a question?

Page 6 cartoon conversation
Tomorrow is Saturday! Why? We are not going to school tomorrow. Excellent. Do Chinese students go to school on Saturday?

Page 6
More sentences for quick responses
1, 我想去中国念大学。2, 我的学校有两千个学生。

1, Write 8 questions you like to ask an exchange student.
老师: 我们学校在北京有一个姐妹学校, 星期五有一个学生会从北京来我们学校。
 1: 真的! ______________________?

2,  AmyMark, Kevin 和Kelly都是第一高中的学(學)生.
 Write 8 sentences or questions to describe and compare how far their homes are from each other and from the school.

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