
HW( L1-2) 9/24-9 /28/2018

HW( L1-2) 9/24-9 /28/2018
*Exchange information about school (e.g., grades, students, and teachers)
*Compare the grade division in the American school and Chinese school


L1-2 Audio

1. 你能不能带我去玩?

2. 长城在什么地方?

3. 我朋友从上海来.

4. 我家离学校很远.

5. 他家比你家离学校更(Gèng more)?

6 .天安门是北京有名的地方.


8. 今年有几个交换生?

9. 我在初中念书.

10. 我念七年级
11. 天天玩? 真棒!

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and response.

1. ....离...... 很远吗?
2. ..什么地方...? 
3. ...比.... 离...更近
4. ...不...带...去..?
5. …共有多少…?…有几个 …?
6. 请问,…在….念书吗?请问,….念….级?


1, Write a dialogue on the situation given. (14+sentences ).  You will use this dialogue to prepare for a role -play in class. 
Ma Daming is an exchange student from America. He is talking to a Chinese student in his host school. They are talking about each other's school size, students, teachers, and how they feel about their own school and wishes.

2, You are making a brochure about your school. Your task is to create page 1 and 2 of the brochure. See the requirements below.

The requirement for the page 1:

1, Draw a picture of your school

2, Write your school name

3, Write a few sentences to tell where your 

school  is located, how far it is from a nearby 


The requirement for the Page 2:

Explain the grade level and the number 

of students and teacher.

Be sure to use, 一共…多少学生, 老 

,年級, 班


完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 10/3

1. 你能不能带我去玩?

2. 长城在什么地方?

3. 我朋友从上海来.

4. 我家离学校很远.

5. 他家比你家离学校更(Gèng more)?



Prepare quiz on 10/4


8. 今年有几个交换生?

9. 我在初中念书.
10. 我念七年级
11. 天天玩? 真棒!

HW 9/26


HW 9/27

完成情境題Scenario 2

Prepare test on 9/28

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