CA-Le10-4(4) Tuesday 5/21/2019
Class Agenda
A. 现在做 Do Now
Please write a Lesson 3 narration to your notebook. Ask questions and find answer from you text book.
A. 现在做 Do Now
Please write a Lesson 3 narration to your notebook. Ask questions and find answer from you text book.
B. 每天问好 Greeting
请起立Qǐng Qǐlì
请坐下Qǐng zuò xià
L10-4 Project is due Friday 5/31/2019
L10-4 Project is due Friday 5/31/2019
Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 Writing test is Friday 5/24
今天是___年 ___月 _ _日 星期 ___
现在 是____ 点 ____ 分
D. 讨论Tǎolùn 功课 Discuss HW
Lesson 3 Narration to notebook
E. 念书时间 Reading Time
Open Text Book Page 107
Interpretive Communication
F. 学生做活动 Student doing an activity
L10-4 中文班的新年晚会
中文班的学生下学期要开一个新年晚会, 中文班有86个学生, 他们的家人也会来参加晚会, 所以晚会一共会有160个人.
You are making a proposal to present your plan to everyone in the class. Please use iMovie to finish this project.
The rubric including the following components:
1.I can make a poster including the party information to broadcast this party.
2.I can make a food related plan including a Chinese food menu, a list of deserts and drinks, and all kinds of utensils.
3.I can make a plan of Chinese culture related activities for the party.
4. I can sum up the total budge and include a itemized list of money amount.
5.I can produce my final educational and school appropriate presentation with a clear and thoughtful speech and song, adding graphic, sound effects, both English and Chinese subtitles by using Google slide and iMovie.
6.I can use the above rubrics to assess other groups' presentations.
Breakdown from each rubric:
1.I can make a poster including the party information to broadcast this party.
Poster information should include the following:
· Purpose:
· People
· Time:
· Date:
· Place:
Make sure you have both English and Chinese labels.
2. I can make a food related plan including a Chinese food menu, a list of deserts and drinks, and all kinds of utensils.
Party plan:
Chinese food menu: The detail of Chinese food dishes including special dishes.
Deserts and Drinks: The detail of deserts and drinks
The amount of utensils include cups, plates, bowls,all kinds of utensils and table cloth.
Word Bank
Word Bank
*大饼 * 油条* 包子* 馒头* 豆浆* 茶 *咖啡* 牛奶 果汁* 蛋 *火腿* 面包 *麦片*草莓* 香蕉 *苹果 橘子* 桃子* 葡萄* 柠檬* 羊肉 *猪肉* 牛肉*
*鸡肉* 鸭肉 *火鸡 *鱼 *虾 *龙虾* 肉 *菜* 白菜*生菜* 蔬菜 *青菜* 汤* 番茄* 豆腐* 米 *米饭 *面 炒面* 炒饭* 白饭* 饺子*肉包 *包子* 春卷* 盐 糖 *醋 *酸* 甜 *苦* 辣* 咸 *黄瓜 *蛋糕* 葱油饼*汤圆 * 红茶 *黑茶 *奶茶 *水果 *烤鸭* 冰淇淋*汽水 * 可口可乐 *花茶
3.I can make a plan of Chinese culture related activities for the party.
Chinese culture related activities.
For example: Chinese painting, dragon dance, lion dance, Chinese calligraphy, red envelopes, Chinese lanterns, Chinese songs.
4. I can sum up the total budge and include a itemized list of money amount.
An excel sheet of money estimated for all items involved in this party. You can search the money reference from restaurants/stores in town. Include the information of the vendors, so it is easier for the Mandarin teachers /parents to process for the party.
5. I can produce my final educational and school appropriate presentation with a clear and thoughtful speech and song, adding graphic, sound effects, both English and Chinese subtitles by using Google slide and iMovie.
Use Google slide and iMovie to introduce and produce the final project. Your final project must have demonstrated with an educational purpose and engaging to the audiences. The video must include the following components:
- *Speech/Songs: Change lyrics and create well written script
- Chinese writing/ labeling
- Chinese and English subtitle
- Graphic photographs: Title / Ending/ Transition
- Sound effects:
6.I can use the above rubrics to assess other groups' presentations.
- Group member: You will find classmates to work this project together. Each group can be worked together as 3 people or 4 people. The final project needs to be work together as a group. Your final group member decision should be checked with Ms. Hsieh.
- Assessment:
- Conduct Grade: 50% of the grade for this project is the conduct. . The team spirit reflects from the conduct including group behaviors, attitude and effort. All members in each group should have equal responsibilities /jobs of making this project.
- Academic Grade: 50 % of grade will be graded by the rest of the classmates based on the academic effort. The final product of each group will be presented in the class and be graded based on the rubrics.
H. 功课和考试 Homework and test
Lesson 3 narration
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