CA-L9-4(3) Wednesday 4/10/2019
Class Agenda
A. 现在做 Do Now
A. 现在做 Do Now
1. 作者喜欢吃什么?
2. 什么是作者的妈妈的特别菜?为什么?
3. 作者比较喜欢谁做的炒饭?
4. 作者为什么觉得他妈妈做的炒饭比他朋友的妈妈的炒饭更好吃?
5. 你觉得作者最喜欢什么蔬菜?
7. 你会喜欢什么样的炒饭?
8.要是你要做炒饭, 你一定会放什么?
B. 每天问好 Greeting
请起立Qǐng Qǐlì
请坐下Qǐng zuò xià
Oral Presentation is on Friday, 4/12/2019
Posted: 50 point
Poster Rubric-
1. Name of the restaurant
2. A well-developed menu divided by 5 category
3. Price listed for each dishes and drinks.
Presentation Rubric for presentation: 8 points for each
Enthusiasm tone and expression: 2 points
1. I can welcome the customer to the restaurant.
2. I can specify the category on the menu.
3. I can introduce dishes including the description for specialty and teste.
4. I can give examples of the price on the menu.
5. I can promote my business by using selling strategy.
6. I can conclude my speech by ending with people’s comments
今天是___年 ___月 _ _日 星期 ___
现在 是____ 点 ____ 分
D. 讨论Tǎolùn 功课 Discuss HW
HW L7 Review
E. 念书时间 Reading Time
Open Text Book Page 105
F. 学生做活动 Student doing an activity
L9-4 菜单
Imagine you have a Chinese Resturant中国餐馆 and you would like to promote the business. Please create a menu 菜单. You also need to perform a presentation in class. The length of the presentation is 40 seconds to 50 seconds.
Imagine you have a Chinese Resturant中国餐馆 and you would like to promote the business. Please create a menu 菜单. You also need to perform a presentation in class. The length of the presentation is 40 seconds to 50 seconds.
On the poster, you need to include the following information and visuals to promote the Chinese Resturant: Fewer words on your poster is the criteria to get a higher score. More words are listed in your poster than the requirement will be deducted from your score. ( 50 points)
Please work on your poster on Google Slide.
The rubric for the poster is as the following:
The rubric for the poster is as the following:
1. XXX餐馆(Cānguǎnrestaurant): Name of the restaurant
2. Five Category names:汤, 面, 饭, 特色菜, 饮料(Yǐnliào drink): as like 果汁, 茶, 咖啡.
3. Price: XX元
During the presentation you need to include the following information:
1. I can welcome the customer to the restaurant 欢迎光临
欢迎来...( name of the餐馆Cānguǎn)
2. I can specify the category on the menu.
· 我们的…有…,有…,还有…
3. I can introduce dishes including the description for 特色菜 and 味道WèidàoTaste
Word bank( 酸,甜,苦,辣,咸,香,清淡,油腻,好吃,难吃,对身体很好)
Word bank( 酸,甜,苦,辣,咸,香,清淡,油腻,好吃,难吃,对身体很好)
4. I can give examples of the price on the menu.
· 我们的…是....( money)
· 我们的…比…更
· 我们的…又…又…
5. I can promote my business by using selling strategy特别活动
这个月的特别活动是( or in 3 days....)买 how many and 送...
6. I can conclude my speech by ending with people’s Comments( often come, the best, buy…)
· 欢迎再来我们XXX 餐馆
· 大家都说…
· 老人,小孩都…
别忘了( do not forget)我们的特别活动是从What date 到What date
H. 功课和考试 Homework and test
HW L7 Review 1-5
The length of the presentation is 40 seconds to 50 seconds. Please upload your poster to Google Classroom
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