
CA-L3-2(5) Tuesday 11/20/2018

CA-L3-2(5)  Tuesday 11/20/2018

Class Agenda
 A. 现在做 Do Now
Write the following time in Chinese
     It is 4:30 pm now
    It is 12:45 AM now.
 Complete the two- line dialogues with either a question or an answer.
   1. Q:我们几点在哪里见? 做什么活动?
       A: ( use STPV structure)
   2. Q: 明天下午三点半在我家写功课, 行不行?
       A:不行,(  make another schedule )

起立Qǐng Qǐlì
请坐下Qǐng zuò xià

今天是___  ___ _ _  星期 ___
现在 ____  ____ 

Daily Class Participation Rubric

      D. 念书时间 Reading Time 
Interpersonal communication

G.学生做活动 Student doing an activity

Please discuss and write up a phone conversation in your notebook with your partner to make an appointment to include the following information:

   1. Ask someone for something together.
…一起…, 好吗?
    2. Express interest in the invitation. Want to know when.
   3. Suggest a certain time and ask if someone is available?
    …,行吗? 忙不忙?/忙
   4. Not available because I have to…
    Suggest another time.
   5. Do not like the time someone suggests and comment on it.
   6. Tells someone that he is available.
   7. Say when to see each other
Prepare 影片录影 Lùyǐng Film Recording on 11/27
H功课和考试 Homework and test
      Weekly HW Pack- L3-3 
      Questions and Answers

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