
HW( L1 &2 Review) 10/29/18-11/2/18

HW( L1 &2 Review) 10/29/18-11/2/18
Lesson 1 Review
Homework 10/29
 Prepare Oral presentation - School brochure for 10/30
Questions and Answers: Please use the vocabularies you have learned from  Lesson 1 

1. ........... ? 
2. .......近不近?

3. ...........更近?

4. ......
5. .....?
6. ...希望...能去...
7. ....一共有多少...?
8. ...念几年? 
9. ...在和....+ verb?
10. ...想去+ ....?

Lesson 2 Review 

1. 在( place)+ ( verb+transportation)比(verb+transportation)更方便吗?

2. ...怎么样?

3. Where does your father work( please use 在)?

4. …, ....最方便?

5. How often do you go to New York?
  •     use 
  •     use 常常
  •    use有时候

6. 从…,Verb+ transportation….Verb+ transportation ....吗?

7.  你可以不可以give me a ride to the train station? 对不起,…希望…可是…
8…….很有问题吗?对,因为...., I feel very stressful. 
9. How is his ...?….就像...一样…, 我觉得…

HW 11/1

Prepare Oral presentation- You have written this dialogue on the situation given to prepare for a role-play in class( 14 sentences) in L2-2. You will be required to talk with a partner and film the conversation. 

Imagine Mrs. Li李太太 and Mrs. Wang王太太 talk about their husbands先生们. 王太太 is nervous about her husband's driving. 李太太thinks 王先生should take a train to New York. Some additional words you might need: 你的先生 husband(Xian1 Sheng1), 应该 should(yin1 gai1) 

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