
Example of writing your Conduct

  • You will get a 0 point when No Name, Number and Date on your evaluation
  • Make sure you highlight the correct score, and the example is below.
  • When you have crossed off marks on your stamp reward sheet, you should not have 4 on your "behavior" category. 

The areas of my strength (I think I am good at...):

1. I think I’m very good at turning in homework
on time as well as tests, and try very hard
on them.
2. I think that I’m very good at arriving on time
with all my materials, as well as cleaning up
after myself after class.

High priority of my growth(I think I can do better at….):

1. I think I can do better at raising my hand
more often because it’s easier for me
to learn if I say it aloud to someone.
2. I think I can do better at trying to help my
partner even though they don’t need help with
mandarin they sometimes get off task and
distracted, I think I could do a better job at
redirecting them back.

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