I. Course Description
The chief aim of this course is cultural awareness and interaction and to prepare the students to use the target language appropriately in various situations and for different purposes. Communication and interaction - in writing, reading, listening to or speaking Chinese - are the keynotes of the course. A lot of authentic material is used, material that therefore reflects the culture of the country/countries whose language is being studied.
II. Aims and Objectives
· Speaking
Speaking tasks include formal and informal exchanges such as role-plays, discussions, pair work, interviews, and presentations.
· Listening
Formative work in listening comprehension (no oral interactions) is a vital component in developing students’ language skills.
· Reading
Tasks for reading include a variety and range of texts, chosen by the teacher as appropriate for the students’ level (textbook passages, magazine and newspaper articles, short stories).
· Writing
Tasks for writing include letter writing, advertisements, essays, creative writing, presentations, etc.
III. Grading
Effort and participation are the keys to success in this class. Being an active participant means speaking in Mandarin every day, being respectful of classmates and of me, and taking part in all activities without dominating the conversation.
25 %
Class Conduct
(Effort, Attitude, Participation)
25 %
· Homework
You will have Mandarin homework almost every day except for LPS “No Homework Dates.” You should spend 30 minutes per night on Mandarin homework as a routine. Homework will be posted to the class web page- Learning Mandarin with Ms. Hsieh https://learningmandarinwithmshsieh7.blogspot.com/
1) Any work turned in without a name will receive a ZERO.
2) Late homework will be marked down. The full points of each homework score are 4 points.
One day late –1 point reduction
Two days late –2 points reduction
Three days late –3 points reduction; Never handed in – ZERO
Three days late –3 points reduction; Never handed in – ZERO
IV. Student Support
Students are encouraged to arrange a help session as soon as help is needed. You will be encouraged to redo any work that doesn’t meet expectations or approaches expectations. Extra help and reassessments will take place during the WIN-blocks.
V. Rules
· All school rules apply.
· Classroom Expectations:
1) Be respectful at all times toward your peers, teacher, and our classroom.
2) Be responsible — always bring your binder, expo marker, and materials assigned, and study.
3) All cell phones and other non-class related gadgets are to be turned off and put away unseen during class unless specified.
4) Eating (and gum chewing) or drinking is not allowed during class unless instructed.
5) Appropriate participation — since participation is very important and constitutes 25% of your grade.
6) Any forms of CHEATING will not be tolerated. For example, this includes inappropriate peeking during a quiz, copying answers for the presentation/ project, or plagiarizing a written assignment. Any student who involves or assists in such behaviors will both receive an automatic “ZERO” for that assignment.
7) If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up the missed work.
8) 说中文Shuō Zhōng wén! Speak Mandarin!
· Consequences are as follows:
Oral warning à Warning (Conduct grade deduction) à Detention and parent notification à Referral to administration and/or conference
VI. Materials
Students are required to bring the following to class:
1) Binder; you should have either a section in your general binder just for Mandarin or a separate Mandarin 1.5-inch binder.
2) 1 marble composition notebook – WIDE RULED
3) 12 Pencils
4) 2 boxes of whiteboard dry erase markers (black or blue)
5) 5 erasable red pens for peer review.
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