
HW(L9-3) 4/04-4/08/2019

HW(L9-3) 4/04-4/08/2019
You don't have HW during MCAS, you have HW from this Thursday4/4 to  Monday4/08

Objective :

·      Identify the symbolic birthday food for people of different age
·    Describe two actions happening one after another
·      Comment on the food
·      生字Vocabulary
L9-3 Audio

1.  你现在要做什么? 我买菜,再做饭.
2. 听说王先生家星期六要请客.
3. 你知道他为什么要请客?
4. 我要吃牛腐汤面,你要吃什么?
5. 你看,这里就是有名的超级市场.
6. 你去中国城,也吃过龙吗?
7. 春怎么做?你能不能教我?
8. 这个蛋饭够不够.
9. 这个饭和那个炒面一样难吃

10. 这道菜比那道菜更香.
11. 你晚饭吃什么?谁要做晚饭? 

问问题和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
Please use the vocabulary you learned this lesson.
1.  …怎么做?...先…,再….
2. 谁要…?听说…要….
3. 你知道他为什么…?这…比那个…更….
4. 我要吃…, 你要吃…?你不要…, 因为…和…一样…
5. 你Verb+过…,也Verb+过…吗?
6. ...够不够…?...够…不够….


情境 scenario 1:
Create a conversation about what people might say or ask when preparing for a birthday party
1.          Talk about the date for someone’s birthday.
2.          Suggest that someone have a birthday party开一个生日聚会
3.          Talk about the date and place for the party那一天比較好? 在哪里?
4.          Talk about who will be invited?
5.          请谁?要不要请…?
6.          Talk about how to reach people.
7.          Talk about food for the party.
吃什么? 喝什么?
8.          Talk about the activity of the party.

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