
HW(L5-2) 1/14-1/18/2019

HW(L5-2) 1/14-1/18/2019

Objective :

  •   Present a plan for weekend activities

·                      Persuade someone to engage in an activity

L5-2 Audio

1 要是明天晴天, 我们就打橄榄球.
2. 你想打篮球还是打网球?
3. 冰没有滑雪有意思!
4.  他是跨栏运动员
6. 你觉得练功夫比打棒球更好玩吗?
7. 打乒乓球比踢足球有意思得多!
8.  游泳比跑步更好玩!
9. 听音乐和玩电脑游戏一样有意思 。
10. 你这个周末有空吗?
11. 今天去好还是明天去好?

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
1 Do you have time this weekend? I am sorry, I don't have time, how about next weekend?
2, 今天去+activity好还是明天去好? 1), Tomorrow is better,  because it will be raining this afternoon.
2), I am sorry, I am busy on both days, I have to (得 )go a Chinese class
3, 你想 A activity还是 B activity?
1) I want A activity 因为 A activity比 B activity更…
2) Either A activity or B activity is OK
3)I like A activity because B activity is not as interesting as A activity.
4, What activity will you do this weekend? 要是…, …就…

情境 Scenario :

 Scenario 1. 
大明is trying to convince 小龙 to hang out together at the weekend. Finish their dialogue in Chinese Characters. Please use the following prompts.

1. 大明: Ask 小龙if he is free this weekend
2. 小龙: Busy on Saturday but free at other time
3. 大明: Suggests they play an outdoor activity together on Sunday
4. 小龙: Explains the Sunday weather condition is not going to be so good.
5. 大明:ask小龙if he likes to play the other TWO indoor activities
6. 小龙: express he is interested in both indoor activities.
7. 大明: expresses his preference in comparison to both activities.
8. 小龙: ( Great! We can….
9. 大明: Tell 小龙 to come to his house at a specific time.
10. 小龙: See you at …time!

HW due by 1/14

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare the quiz on 1/15
1 要是明天晴天, 我们就打橄榄球.
2. 你想打篮球还是打网球?
3. 溜冰没有滑雪有意思!
4.  他是跨栏运动员
6. 你觉得练体操比打棒球好玩吗?

HW due by 1/15

Prepare the quiz on 1/16
7. 打桌球比踢足球有意思得多!
8.  游泳比跑步更好玩!
9. 听音乐和玩电脑游戏一样有意思 。
10. 你周末有空吗?
11. 今天去好还是明天去好?

HW due by 1/16
完成情境Scenario 1 

HW due by 1/17
完成情境Scenario 2

Prepare the test on 1/18

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