
HW 9/19-9/24/2017

HW 9/19:  Nature world- related Radicals:   羊, 魚,鱼,虫,鸟,方, 象,豸,虍,毛,羽,龙
HW 9/20    
Prepare" Find the Treasure " presentation( Imagine you are a fortune teller in ancient time, please use the original Oracle- bone Chinese characters to create a map to find a treasure.  Presentation: Use the map you created to perform a 3-minute oral presentation. ).
Your project will be graded in 3 parts: 

Poor drawing with very little information (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing)
Poor craftsmanship
Details with clear information to find treasure (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing)

 Plenty Details with clear information (pinyin, Chinese Characters, drawing) to find treasure. Craftsmanship is excellent
Plenty and creative details with clear information Chinese Characters, drawing) to engage audiences to find treasure. Craftsmanship is excellent
Oral Speech
Poor speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) skills with very little details to find the treasure.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) with enough information to guide people to find the treasure but less than 2 minutes.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with enough information to guide people to find the treasure The time is between 2-3 minutes.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with great information to guide and engage people to find the treasure. The time is between 2-3 minutes.

Poor writing with incorrect grammar. It is less than 75 words.
Writing with little mistakes on grammar. It is more than 120 words.
Writing with clear information to guild people to find the treasures with one or two mistakes on grammar. It is more than 150 words.
Writing with clear information to guild and engage people to find the treasures with no mistakes on grammar. It is more than 180 words.

Right after your presentation, please submit your writing and map  through google classroom with all the team members' names on the projects to 謝老師.
9/21 No HW.  All groups  working  and prepare in class.
9/24  Presentation

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