
Share the Class Responsibiliy

1, Book Organizer is to keep the class text books organized every time the books were used.
2, Time Reminders to remind Ms. Hsieh 5 minutes before the class ends.
3, Class captain is to make sure the chairs are pushed, the floor is clean, the class is in order according to the class rules.

Class Rules

1. No gum
2. Be a good friend
3. Control bodily functions
4. Always follow directions and listen to the teacher
5. No teasing or bullying others
6. Don’t waste time when you leave the room
7. Keep your hands to yourself
8. Respect other learners by not disrupting
9. Supportive when working in groups
10. Leave toys at home
11. Keep cell phones turned off in backpacks
12. Ask for help when you need it
13. Keep your area clean

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